Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pictures Chad Shouldn't See!!

Nothing makes my hubby madder than when I leave the Danger unattended and the nags start messin' with it! 

Now I know its not ideal, but...well shit happens!!  Hahaa!! 

Mave only gets near the Danger when the engine is off....she hates the noise I guess.

Tony was getting ready to bite, but I interrupted...ooops!

Jamison and Fi checking out the back...

Horse Girl making sure there is nothing good too!

Jamison getting ready to be smacked by a dry horse apple...she just didn't know it!

Fi ALWAYS tries to eat the seat belts and the steering wheel.

Jamison breathing on my windshield!

Oops, she got a bite in...and more horse poop tossed at her.  Brat!  Left a small scratch...oh well!!  ( ;

Jack Jack doesn't want to be left out of the fun!!

Hmmm.....My sweet Tari didn't get in to the fun...poor sweet Tar-Tar!!  Neither did any of the mules, but the horses keep them pushed off pretty much anthing they consider "good" or "fun".  Becky Mule was in the barn eathing grain for most of this...

And thats my story and I'm stickin' to it!!


Mindy7102 said...

Chad would just a soon kill Jamison, tony and mave.... I'd kill them to!! However the one that eats the seatbelts is just like your old dog Spider.. Remember the F150 seat belts!:)

Nikker said...

Haha! Amen to that one sister!!
I haven't thought about Spyder for a long time!! ( : But true true true!!