Monday, March 15, 2010

Here Kitty Kitty!!

I would like to think that I am pretty tollerant of my animals being animals.  But I do like the thought of the furry little monsters following some rules with or without my beady little eyes peering at them... 

When I came home from work last week and found that Lucifer had broken the one rule that MUST be followed in my house...  He got what comes to animals who get into the trash here... 

Tossed outside.  Not for good, but now from the time I go to work until the time I return from work...he is now an outside kitty. 

He found it not so fun.  Oh, too bad!  He is getting the hang of it now, but doesn't wander far from the house and puffs up like a dandylion whenever anything "strange" happens.  Pussy...oops, did I say that...?  Chad now wants to take it a step farther and make him an outside when and if we get a new home...  Poor little Lucifer...



Karen V said...

Just make sure he has somewhere near the house that is a safe place. You know that could totally eat him for lunch!

And isn't he still a young cat? He wasn't trying to be bad, he was looking for "fun"!

mean ole Nikki!

Nikker said...

Oh, this little $hit gets away with a lot of "baby" stuff. But the trash is OFF the list of forgivables! ( :
Lucifer has lots of places to hide...two gay uncles that live outside full time and M-Kitty goes out on good days on 'cause there is some huntin' to do! So he has plenty of "family" to show him the ropes and safe places to hide! ( :