Friday, January 6, 2012

I Got The Movie Buck For Christmas...

Now I know that there have been oodles of blog posts about this movie.  I have read a few of them...but as is usual for me and many things, I was a little late to the party.
In my mind, I was thinking...if this is another "Horse Whisperer" I am so going to shut this darn thing off.  I was pretty happy to see that it wasn't and it made me smile to myself when I found out he actually worked on that movie!  At any rate, I enjoyed it.  Chad enjoyed it, and it gave me some things to think about.

Most importantly it made me think about me and my relationship with my horses...and how my horses reflect me.  I thought about this a lot this last few weeks.  I have come to the conclusion that, well I have a small herd of under achievers.  In that I mean I have coddled them (well, maybe Fiona more than the others, but just the same...) and have kept them from really doing anything because I didn't want them or me to fail.  Fail in who's eyes?  I don't know. 
Now I know in reality the only failure they give a rip about is my failure to grain them each night.
But God forbid someone say something bad about my special horses or my lack of talent.  Who is going to say these mean things?  Again, I don't know.  I guess some troll living under a bridge...but if we don't really "try" anything we won't fail.  On the flip side, we will never succeed either... 
Maybe these last few years of no real riding buddy has made me know like Tom Hanks in that movie where he ends up talking to a Volley Ball?  (0: 
I ride a lone 99.99% of the time so having to self motivate and get outside of my box is hard and I am afraid getting harder.

As I think about this I find it absolutely S.I.L.L.Y. that I have become this way!  When I was a kid I had a Quarter/Appy mare that I was (and still am) sure hung the moon.  And no one in the "horse world" I bumped along on the outside of as a kid saw it.  Family and friends alike thought my parents should have sold her and gotten me something more practical, I guess you'd say. 
But I didn't care what they thought and when we decided to do something, well I just put my head down and went at it, until we did whatever it was that was that I thought we needed to do.  She wasn't trained really, she may not even have ever made it to what some people considered broke... 
We showed 4-H, did some local Jr. Rodeo's, and High School Rodeoed.  Were we good?  No.  Were we bad?  No.  Would I trade those experiences for anything?  No.  Did I care what was being said about me and my horse?  No....and there were "real people" with real unkind things to say.
I took some time, looked around the house and barn...
And I think I have found my "big girl" boots and I'm pullin' them on just like I used to!

(I would have said panties, but my dad reads this blog...he may not want to have that mental image! )
Once the weather finally becomes spring, I'm going to take a few lessons from The BRC and hit some local game shows.  And of course the trails...but I do that anyway!  (0: 
And now I hope I haven't announced too much of a plan...

 In short what I saw in the pasture while looking at the girls (who are sound and rideable...Sorry Horse Girl, this excludes you), I didn't like, but I didn't hate it either...  At least I have good healthy clean slates (excluding Remi...she does have some baggage, but I am now sure she likes me!!) to start working on!
Funny what an 89 minute movie will help you see!

Another thing that came to me in one of those light bulb moments is that I have been to a couple of clinic's with a clinician who trained under Buck Brehnamen (sp?).  I had to watch the movie twice for that light to come on, but it finally did!!  (0: 
I really enjoyed myself and learned a lot of really good stuff during those clinics.  So if we were playing Seven Degrees of Separation, I can easily link myself to Buck Brehnamen.
 All of the pictures that are in this blog are from the last Greg Elliel clinic I attended in 2005 (I think)!!

The cute little bay mare in these pictures is one of Mindy's horses.  Her barn name is Boney.  I cannot remember what her registered name is...but she is either a daughter or granddaughter of Streakin' La Jolla (probably spelled wrong and I am too lazy to look it up...sorry pedigree people) and I think Beduino was in there too...  She was a pretty nice little mare, but not what Mindy was lead to believe she was buying...  She came from Virgina and I believe had been on the track.  Mindy put work, time, money, and tears into her and then traded her (not straight across though) to the breeder of her Good Barrel Mare Breeze for her Chix horse.  He still has her and loves her to pieces!  Gives Mindy updates about once a year and everything!!!


Mindy7102 said...

My goal....make sure you attend three races w me a year! Last year we only hit two. While ridding w my self 99.99% of the time, I decided that I didn't give two craps what and who were talking. I keep my support group close and small. I know there are great horse humans I would like but small crowds are better for me. I learned a great deal at charmayne on attitude and the crap that you can just ignore. Really I think it has to do w faith. Faith in the time you put in to making a relationship w your horse, faith in the time you've put in learning and training. Faith in the horse between your knees.
I love Bomb LOVE HER. But really......she hasn't won a ton of money, only has taken second place in the 1D never first. Only 1/2 the time does she pay for entry maybe 1/3 the time pay for entry and some fuel. You always refer to her as my good barrel mare she's only good to me and you
Because I have made you think she's great because I love her.
So keep your crowd small and comfy have faith in your training, time spent, learning and most importantly your horse. Any negativity don't let it invade your thought. Like Charmayne said use their negativity against them:)
You, Remi, Fee n Tari are going to succeed no matter what even if it's me and you who thank so!

Nikker said...

Mindy, thank you! (0: Your Breeze is your good barrel horse! Dr. Peters even thinks she a great, gritty mare and he hasn't even seen her do anything! (0: