Wednesday, March 25, 2015

No Buffer This Time!

Sorry, this is just crazy to me...and honestly on these rainy days, the most interesting thing happening!
This was on the post when I left this morning at 8:05.
Not "the usual" post, but next to it.
Sorry had to use my cell phone for these pictures.

Horses are still not bothered by it.
There were two crows messing around the pasture when I got out to take these pictures...
But I doubt that they had anything to do with this.

I asked everyone at work, and no on had a game cam.
I will be stopping by the pawn shops on my home tomorrow to see if I can find one a bit cheaper than regular retail prices.

I must know who's doing this!!


Shirley said...

I'm starting to wonder if this is something the crows are finding and then bringing to the post to "clean up" so to speak. I think the hawks wouldn't do such a thorough job so quickly, also it seems to be only the heads? Are they all cats? Is there a feral cat problem in your area and someone is shooting them and the crows are finding them? I think hawks like to kill their food but crows will eat carrion.

Chad said...

I wondered about the crows bringing stuff in too, as the haul a lot of McD's trash, subway trash and what not to the pasture to pick through. BUT they almost always drop it near the tree, and work on it. I have never seen them perched on the fence snacking.
The first pieces I discovered were little white rabbits feet, around the posts. Then I found mouse/rodent pieces on top of the post. Then came the cat. Which I found on Tuesday. What shocked me most was the fact that the head was so clean. I did wonder if the cat was maybe a road kill from somewhere near by...we have plenty of active roadways around the house. I have never seen any feral cats around.... One of our neighbors has two large orange cats that have been down by the barn...large like Garfield large.
Yesterday was a large rodent or a rabbit. Not entirely sure as I didn't look too closely at it. And it was raining too hard when I got home to give it the once over...
I think we have a pair of hawks nesting close by...but not sure if they are red tail, but certain they aren't eagles... Although I'd be so happy to see a bald eagle hanging around!!
Headed to the pawn shop after work just to see what I can find! I need t know whats really going on! (0:


Kellie said...

That is just freaking bizarre! ICK too of course lol