Monday, April 19, 2010

This Is Why....

Old farm implements and other "decorative" crap doesn't belong in your pasture...  I have said this to him before, but it falls on deaf ears...  (I won't miss this when I don't live here anymore!)  And its been blogged about over and over again, but I am sharing anyways!  ( :

I initially saw her like this while I was driving home...this is taken from the house, so the opposite direction.  Anywhooo when I first saw this I thought, what's she doing?  She is the Alpha Mare, so I knew nothing drove her into this mess...she went there on her own.  So I figured she was OK.

After 20 minutes, I decided that maybe I should break out the camera and take some pictures.  And of course see if I can get her to move out of there.

As you can tell, the Land Lord had been here...and rode...and neglected to brush her after riding...oh, well.  So here is a front shot of predicament.  Note she is not in distress.  I have found her "caught" in things before, and its always the same response.  Calm and waiting for me to get to her and fix it.  Which is a good thing!  ( :

If she had put her foot more to our left, her right...then we could have had problems.  I had these covered with hose, to keep the sharp edges on that round flat wheel cover from cutting anyone...but someone has removed them...probably the little criminals!  ( :  I will re-cut and glue them back on....AGAIN!

Waiting for me to just fix it!

This is where her foot was can see she had picked it up and put it back down a few times....

A few hairs left behind from the back of her leg....there was not a raw spot on her leg.  Just lots of hair due to spring shedding I suppose!

And she's off!!  Fine and dandy....this time!!  ( : 


Karen V said...

Oh for crying out loud! Show the moron the pictures and tell him to put up a strand of hot tape. At least she didn't freak out.

Kind of make you wonder... "What WAS she thinking to go in there in the first place??"

Nikker said...

If only it were that easy!!! ) :