Monday, April 26, 2010

Chad Says....

Why do you insist on taking my picture?  I hate it...

Uh, yep...sure looks like you don't like having you picture taken from here.  Too bad you are not the boss of me!!  I am the boss of me, and as the boss of me... I am sending you and the boss of you this little note:

Dear Sir,
It is the opinion of this office and its staff, that if you are not fond of having your picture taken; then by all means stay out of my way.  But until you and your office take measures to not be in the line of fire, you are fair game.  Thank you for your attention on this matter,
The Staff of Nikki

LOL!!  I love you hunny...and to prove it, here are a few more pictures of you!!

Yeah, tell you horse how mean you wife is to you...she is sympathetic to your suffrage.  She too hates to have her picture taken and will get out of the way as fast as she can!  ( :


Jenn said...

Hi Chad! You must be a good man, the ponies LUV you!

Karen V said...

I've never met Chad but I love him! He seems to me to be the strong, silent, stand behind my woman and give her what she wants type a guy. The BOOM behind the firecracker!