Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Vetrans Day!

A little late getting this up...I was looking for a picture of my mini donks with a sign in between them that said that something about protecting our asses.  I took it for my friends soldier that she had adopted from ASWL last year.  She got him a digital picture frame and then sent out e-mails to all of her friends to take pictures of them, their kids, homes, or what ever with a thank you sign with them, for him.  She ended up having her message forwarded to people she didn't even know and got around 100 different pictures for the was pretty cool! 
Also hope to have a little something on my grandfather up tomorrow, he served in WWII and was honored today at the Vetran's Home in Lewiston.  I was unable to make it, which makes me suck as I am only 3 hours away...shame on me!

Thank you to everyone and their families that make it possible for me to live my little life the way I want, while feeling safe and sound while doing it!  There is no way I could actually thank any of you enough.

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