As you may or may not know Chad and I own our own small business. Well I like to say we are owned by our won business...
But that's neither here nor there for the most part. We work A LOT and miss out on quite a bit of fun activities and down time... But that's the price we are paying for "living the dream" I suppose! (0:
It's not all bad, because it does feel good to know that we are making it on our own...
Any whooo we have been running a short swing shift Monday- Thursday... With two part timers. One with experience and one without.
On Monday 7-02-12 our experienced part timer go work for another shop... One we don't compete with head to head, but have worked with and do compete a small bit with. We were less than impressed and NOT happy... But what do you do?
So we have ALL of this work that has due dates... And we took those job figuring on the 24 hours a week we got from swing shift... Now we are without them...
So Chad and I had to figure out how to make up those hours while we try and either find a replacement for the experienced person OR figure out how to get caught up some what and get our production done in one shift.
The best place to start was to put a day shift person on swing shift. Our most experienced employee has a family. And was willing to work swing, but needed to talk to his wife and work out their family schedule. Chad does all the "business" along with programming and set up...I do the shipping, invoicing, prepping, and operating... So rather than try and get Chad's work done with our customers and suppliers in swing shift hours before they close, it made more sense for me to start the swing shift ball rolling.
I'm juggling a few things a bit, but can get most all of my stuff done without too much trouble!!
This is Sunday at around 10 a.m.
This is Monday 10: a.m. I am not sure what happened to my picture file, but it looks odd.
Tried to fix them, but I couldn't get 'er done!
Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.
And today, Wednesday at 9:50 a.m.
To add to the drama of working its been hot here... It went from cold enough that the pellet stove was running to the air conditioner in two days... Ugh!
I tried to enlarge these to make it easier to see the high and low temps for that time marked by the blue (I think) line or stem...
Sunday and Monday were exactly the same, but we seem to be on a cooling trend. To add to the heat, its humid... I am such a baby! I really like the mid 70's to low 80's, so this quick and extreme (to me) change in temp makes me whine! (0:
The bonus to this swing shift is that I can get on the horses and ride before it gets to my "too hot to ride" temp of anything over 85. Got in two rides this week and feel pretty good about it. Today is an off day, because Kage decided NOT to go with Chad to work. Darned old dog. The worst thing I ever did with this dog is to have NOT crate trained him. At the time I thought it was awful to lock your dog in a I know I was wrong... Oh, hindsight!!
Chad gets the evening feedings with the girls... So I get everything ready for him for optimal ease... He is enjoying getting to know Remi. She has been pretty stand offish with him before now. I have noticed that with Tari and Horse Girl gone, the friendly and happy persona of Fiona is wearing off on Remi! She has been much more approachable and doesn't have as many panicked looks on her face of late... And Chad is happy to report she will let him pet her now, without holding her breath. And that, truly is a big deal 'round here!!
And of course, I get myself loaded up for the morning feeding too...before I go off to work!!
And that's what's new here...for now!