Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rough Start In Vegas...

This horse kept us entertained for quite a while.

With all new things there is a certain amount of chaos and the bigger the place the more chaotic.  Or so it seems in my little universe!

This horse really had some ticks, anxiety at max level for certain.

 We arrived in good time yesterday, got in line with all the other early birds.  The help here is very nice and everyone seems to know their jobs and be pretty good at them as well.

He nearly tipped the trailer over with his pawing.  The lady driver would get out holler at him and wave her arms and then get back into the truck.  As soon as he heard the truck door close, he poked his head out and started right back to where he had left off.

After waiting in line we were ushered into Barn A.  We asked a couple of questions of the other competitors that were around and were answered with a smile each time.  Nice!  As we got out there was a man to meet us with a flat cart.  His job was to load his cart with your crap and usher you to your stall. 

This horse also nearly went ass over tea-kettle coming out of the trailer and also nearly smashed the girl handling him.

When we got to our stall, it was locked.  He found someone to let us in, and bedded the stall for my sister.  Wyatt and I were talking to Chad who was hauling Tari to Dr. Peters' office so we left Mindy to tuck in Breeze.  After getting the low down with Chad, Dr. Peters called and asked a few questions.  Once that was all cleared up, we were pleasantly surprised to find there was an office in the barn that allowed you to check into your hotel and even had bell hops there to take our stuff from the trailer and to our room.

 This horse has a LG brand on him...not sure if all the LG horses are this spun, but this guy has issues.  We will be trying to watch for him tomorrow.  Just to see if all the drama is really worth it.

We got all that handled and went to the parking lot that the truck and trailer would stay in.  We had a wee bit of a hard time getting backed into our space as the woman wanted everyone on top of the other guy.  Backing into your space is one thing, backing into your space like a sardine and NOT hit anything is another matter.  She rode Mindy's butt pretty hard, and then proceeded to do it to everyone I didn't feel too abused for my sister.  She then also loved all over maybe she wasn't all that bad!  It still sucked though!

Wyatt inspecting the steering wheel.  He noticed right away that it should have said Ford.  He intends on speaking to his dad about this matter later!

We then hiked ourselves across the parking lot and to the room.  We learned on our way to the room, that a baby jogger MUST go down the escalator backwards if you want you stuff to stay in it.  Forwards up hill!  ( :  Oh and we also learned that 50 degrees is a long way from 99.  Yikes!  Funny how our body doesn't just adjust in seconds!  ( :  I like to sweat though, so yippee!

Breeze and the line behind her.

After making it to the room we had a few beers and headed to dinner.  With Wyatt with us, its easier to get the beer to the room and then let him be a baby while we have a cocktail.  Dinner was good and we were in bed by 9:00 p.m.

Close up of Breeze in Vegas!!

This morning I wake up nauseated.  Lovely, I thought...I don't drink often and then the first thing I do is over do it the first night in Vegas.  Uh, nope...not that. I have food poisoning?  I am pretty sure I'm about to die!  Mindy then starts to feel crummy too.  Yikes!  So we decided that more sleep would help.  It really didn't.  We have been sicky all day.... Mindy was able to get herself to the barn to ride her horse...then it was  right back to bed and trying not to get sick before you make it to the restroom. 

We followed the "crazy" horse trailer, so parked on the right side of isle.

Then at 2 or so Wyatt starts yacking.  At first we weren't sure if it was because I didn't burp him well enough.  You know mom can always get it done...other people, not as efficient.  Well when he did it the second time, we knew it wasn't any ones fault.  He was showing the same signs and symptoms as we were.  I called our Aunt Marti and got the skinny on sick baby from her (shes a nurse practitioner).  Then I called my friend Julie who lives here in Vegas and asked her to get us some Pedialite on her way into town.  She said after her her horses were stalled, she would go to the store for us!  Julie Rocks!

Barn A Isle Way

But as the day has ground on, Mindy and I have begun to get better and Wyatt hasn't gotten any worse.  We are all holed up in the room watching the youth run here on the closed circuit TV.  Wyatt likes the music and the horses streaking across the screen.  Even feeling less than 100% he is a happy boy!

Our friend Julie runs at 11:00 tomorrow and Mindy runs around 3:00 if any ones live streaming on Barrel Horse World.  I will be back in action or else I will be faking it!  Can't be sick in Vegas!  ( :

He liked the sound his breathing made in the bottle.!  It was emptied, we aren't that irresponsible, its just a couple of funny pictures of the boy.  BTW this is his Jack Nicholson hair. 


Karen V said...

What a wonderful start to a story!

Good Luck tomorrow Mindy and Julie!

Hope everyone is feeling better, must have been a short lived bug.


mrscravitz said...

Wonderful story and look forward to the horse with tick issues! LOL Hope the rest of your time goes with no more unwellness issues!