Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Class Is In!

I had this great adventure's blog planned out in my head for about two weeks prior to our departure.

 Mindy, Wyatt, and Mindy's good friend Stacie showed up at our house Friday afternoon.  We unloaded the horses and headed out to what could be Chad and I's house some day...(another  long, long, long, and painful storey...) then hit our favorite Mexican Restaurant.  And that is where the planned adventure ended!  ( :

Long storey short, I didn't get a single picture or our trip or the horses in their new digs.  The best layed plans of mice and men I suppose!

We had the worst weather ever imagined.  Saw lots of snow, plenty of rain, and got blown around like a tumble weed.  We miss judged our time and drive and got to Mario's in the dark... ugh!

Oh, well.  The baby was great.  What a fantastic baby, glad he's going to be around at all the family gatherings!  ( :  When Mindy and I head out doing this kind of thing...well we are just in it for the adventure...good, bad, or indifferent we just want to have a good time!  And we did!!

So the few pictures I took over the weekend are scattered around this blog!!  Hope you enjoyed at least one of them!!  ( :

Oh...and Tari has an appointment with Dr. Peters for a palpation tomorrow!!  The girls are starting to cycle and we REALLY want to catch her on this heat!  collection days for our stallion are odd days this month and even days next month!!  ( :  In case you cared!!

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