Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Shot this off of my computer screen...see that lovely Temp for Wednesday?  Gross, I tell you...just gross!!  When I went out at 5 a.m. to move the girls from the barn to the pasture, the thermometer said our lowest temperature point was -12.  That's not funny!!  On our drive into work this morning at 6 (we got a late start today) it was -8.  I know I live in N. Idaho...but I really hate the negative temperatures.  They are just not fun.  For anyone.  Lucky for me I have the ability to heat my horses water and have some to die for Alfalfa/Grass hay.  My hay burners have their fires roaring and are cozy as can be!  Me, not so much when I go out there!!  ( :  I have a friend checking on them while we are gone for Turkey Day.  We will return on it will be a short and sweet trip to the coast!  Can't wait to see Wyatt!!  ( : 

Abbi and Seven was 12-15 yesterday before it got cold!

Kage looking for snow know they exist!!  ( :

Seven realizing just how cold it was outside and just how little hair she has!!

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