Sunday, August 22, 2010

Quick Catch Up

We signed on our house on Friday the 6th and the thing got it didn't close until the 12th.  That was painful....but we are now home owners!  Whoopppeeee!!  Had practically the whole fam damily out helping us ready the place for pasture and fencing...will share more and some photos later!!  My mom made potato salad and carrot cake...that made the weekend even better!  ( :

A.T. is weak, but has been moved from ICU to the regular medical floor and was headed to the hospice floor last news I received.  Although I doubt he will ever be able to live alone again, he may be burning up the halls of a care center or some such place in a couple of weeks.  Don't tell him he has a deadline to meet, he will make his own!  And a big thank you Karen for the thoughts and prayers!!

I have started reading Brown Eyed Cowgirls blog...and in her A Pill For Everything posting, I had a light come on inside my mind.  Scary I know...but 90% of the signs and symptoms her gelding are exhibiting are things I have been muddling through with Tari.  Soooo, Tari has a vet appointment tomorrow morning to do a fasting blood sugar.  I am hoping that this will come back and tell me she is not insulin intolerant, but one only knows.  Because if that's not it, what kind of demon semen has she been inseminated with?  She has become quite the hag....

Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Karen V said...

When are you moving? Pics? Come on!! I've been waiting FOREVER!!!

I know... you're dang busy! I know the feeling!

Hope things work out for Tari!

Good news about AT! I can just see him now... "accidently" bumping into little old ladies' wheelchairs and walkers...