Thursday, June 12, 2014

Good Fences

I'm slow posting because Kase likes to help...and when he sleeps I've got a million things that I try and smash into that nap...  It also makes me slow to unresponsive when I get questions in my comments area.  
So, I find it pretty funny that while walking the kid and the dogs yesterday I looked down my fence line from the old rail bed behind the house and saw this. (Looking at the picture below, you are looking from my house towards the rail bed.  You can see the corner of my fence line and it running to the left. I was actually standing "there" when I saw "this"!)
You may have to enlarge this picture and look at the wires from the bottom up to really see what I'm looking at. (Fingers crossed you can, because it's a cell phone photo!)

If you're still struggling to see it, look at the picture below...

This pisses me off.  
These are not the neighbors that the horse intruders entered from.  This is the neighbor that the first AND second owners of this house had trouble with...or so the neighborhood gossip goes.  So far it's been fine for us.  It's a man and his wife and his mother.  I don't think that they have kids, but I could be wrong... They do have dogs, two beautiful Rotts.  We chat occasionally, and are friendly I suppose.... 
Anywhooo, this is the fence line I share with them.  They have a no climb wire fence and then we have our fence...  I'd say we've got a 2-4 inch gap between the two fences... 
The Hee-Haws and Horse Girl lay on the fence during the spring, so I turn on the fence to remind them that they need to keep on their own side of the fence.
When I brought Fiona home, I was wondering why Horse Girl had her head on the top wire and just figured that Chad had unplugged the fence...  But no, my neighbors decided to ground out my top wire... So they could feed the horses treats.
How do I know they are feeding treats?  
Because they have ever since I've moved in...
Do I love it?  No.  Do I worry about it?  Kinda.  Did I make sure that they know NO grass clippings?  Yep!
So we finished out walk and then went to the gate and walked down the fence line and took my wire off of the tee-post.
Their ground spot was 3/4 of the way down the fence line... Way away from my house, the barn, where I water my horses, where I feed my horses, and far enough away that you can't hear the snap when you're outside.
Not sure what I'm going to do about it...
Right now I have the boys in the "Jenny Craig For Men Pen", but they won't be in their for ever...
Then I guess if they don't check to see if it's still grounded out, Granny's gonna get lit up.
Our property only has no trespassing signs on the front- top of the driveway and then at the back, where the rest of the driveway would be if we ever finished it.  Neither side has signs.  Mostly because I never really thought about it being necessary.  And the one side is completely fenced!
Now obviously, I think a bit differently, but I'm 99% sure that our motorcycle neighbor and his buddies wouldn't cross over.  But this mysterious horseman, they are trouble!!  LOL!

Never a dull moment I suppose!!


Kellie said...

WOW! The audacity to actually tamper with someones fence like that! Boy that would burn my buns too!! I think I'd be taking that walk every single day to assure they aren't doing anything else.

Does being in your Jenny Craig for men pen make them cranky? Our mini Casper looks like he should be joining your guys there lol

Nikker said...

I walk that way about 4 times a week, but honestly never really look at that part of the fence line. I'm always worried about the rest. Well no more! Now I'll be looking at everything!
The Hee-Haws are good while they are in the Jenny Craig For Men Pen, but as soon as Patron is released into the regular pasture, I can't get near him for a week without grain, and if he sees a halter, he's gone and will hide from me. Jack-Jack is sweet all the time and doesn't hold a grudge.