Wednesday, December 1, 2010

12 Inches O' Snow!! (Maybe more like 14...)

This is the snowfall from Thanksgiving Weekend.  Its pretty, but there was a lot!  Because we weren't at home for the majority of the snow, we had a lot of digging out to do!

We have since gotten another 9-12 inches, Monday- Tuesday.  Making this the snowiest November since some time in the 1950's.  Nice...

Never mind that it took us about 8 hours to get all of the gates dug out, the garage, apartment, side walks, and barn done too...oh, and the drive way.  Its fairly long and on an upwards winding slope.

Even though I absolutely HATE this teeny tiny little tractor we bought with the place, the snow blower attachment it has rocks!!  After we got the hang of it, it was pretty easy to use!!

And it saved our butts Tuesday afternoon...I got home and blew the driveway clear.  I got in the house frozen and wet/snowy around 6 p.m. (after working all day....awwweee, poor 'lil Nikki!)  And when we left the house at 5:30 this morning, there was just as much snow on the ground as when I started the night before.

The girls are glad to get into the barn and out of the snow.  Fiona and Horse Girl are sharing a stall with a large run and doing really great.  Tari has her own stall, and who doesn't love their own room!!

My poor sweet donkeys are still in there pen by the house.  I am dieing to put them out with the Big Girls, but I am not sure if they will be able to find a place to crawl out of...  Stupid me and thinking we only needed a 4 wire fence...and then not making sure that all our help kept the bottom wire low.  Oh, well live and learn!!

The dogs are moderately amused by the snow.  Abbi is of course well equipped to be out in all weather, Kage and Seven not so much.  But as long as there is fun to have, Kage will tough it out...and Seven party's hard and then goes in the house to warm up...then back out again!

Kage also adores digging in the snow!  I also find it just find as he isn't destroying what could be my pasture!!  ( : 

The snow was so deep, that we even ended up making places for the dogs to go potty.  If it would have gotten too much more, I would have been out in the horse pasture plowing spots for them to get a reprieve from the deep snow.  I say would have, because today it has warmed up to 34-38 and the snow we would have been getting has turned to rain.

So now here we are with over 2ft of snow that is getting rained on.  Only a light rain, but I can see a lot of ice in our near future.  Not conducive to getting around easily that's for sure!!

One bonus of our first winter here being kind of hard, I guess you'd call it, and our fence being only partially done, is that I know what I am going to do this spring for next winter!!

Yeup, got me a list started.  A list that includes, but is not limited to putting power and water to the pasture.  Running an electrical cord for water and dealing with a hose for filling that water is less than fun.  I have over 100ft from the power and water source to where I need it.  Its at the top of my list!!

Then theres the lean to for the pasture.  We have trees, but its just not doing it for me...or them.  Thus bringing in the horse to the barn.  With a lean to, they can be out of the weather without me working so hard!!  Cleaning stalls in the winter is interesting at times!  ( :  We are also adding the 5th wire to the fence...that way I can have everyone together...unless something warrants a separation.  But you know what I mean!!

I have several others, but those are the 4 that are definitely at the top of my list.  Better for me, is that my husband sees that they are important and totally agrees with me!  ( :

We are all sitting around here hoping that December doesn't set any snow fall records this year.  Don't really want it to set any temperature records either.  How about a nice "normal" December?

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