Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Boys Are Home!!

So now the whole famn damily is here!!

I am quite sure that no one is truly happy with their new digs...but we will keep working on them until they are better.  Unfortunately it may take some time.

I am quite sure that I will be picking up rocks for the rest of my life....

Chad and I need to adopt a teenager....one with a strong back and good work ethic.

Wonder if there are any of those out there looking for parents?!?

Of all the animals that seem to be protesting their new home, Horse Girl seems to be worrying the most.  As you can see from this picture she is a bit sucked up.  I have two different salt blocks out, plenty of good hay, and fresh water...so I am hoping she will adjust here shortly.  Its only been 3 days and Tari isn't being nice...so I will keep a close eye on her.  I am sure she will settle soon...but until then I will keep stressin' right along with her!!

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