Friday, July 23, 2010

Baby Sitting

The Land Lord's buddy dropped off his horse and mule at the beginning of this month.  I will be feeding them twice a day until I leave.  Here are my wards for a while, Freeway the Run-a-Way and Mollie Mule.  These arent' their real names, but its what I call them.

I call the gelding Freeway the Run-a-Way because two summers ago was the first year that the Land Lords Buddy dropped off Tony, Freeway, and different mule.  Well they all got to messing around by a fence and someone sent someone else through it and by the time it was all said and done, Chad and I were woken int the middle of the night to the sound of pounding hooves.

We were able to get part of the horses back, but with the flashlight I saw Freeway and Tari screaming down the road at mach 10.  Not cool.  We drove around the neighborhood and major roadways for an hour, then around 2 a.m., decided to go back to bed and look when it was light outside.  We were up and at it again at 4:30 coffee in hand, only to find them standing in the neighbors hay field grazing like nothing was wrong.

Freeway has gotten out of his pasture on another occasion...and in this instance he did the same thing, ran.  Ran like a pack of wolves were in hot pursuit putting as much ground underneath himself as possible before I could get to him.  He does stop a fence lines, so it wasn't all that hard to get him caught that time...oh and he's grain broke too.  Gotta love that!

Mollie Mule was a wash out on the mule racing circuit.  I kid you not.  She is an Appy Mule, with lots of characteristics and a wee bit of spotting.  She also has a tattoo on her lip.  It takes two to look at, and so I could not get a picture for you to see, but its there.  She paces, and paces, and paces.  Haven't seen her under saddle or out in a large pasture, so I have no idea what shes like on the "outside". ( :

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