Well its been fairly busy, but not the kind of buys that you get to take fun pictures of! Bummer!
So here's the rundown...my first two weeks of May:
Monday I made an appointment for
Tari to go to the vet...or was it Tuesday? Oh, which ever it was I got
Tari's palpation scheduled. Somewhere in there we had a home inspection for our prospective new home... The home inspectors came in and said....oh, we need to have the radiant heat turned on and charged for this. She gave us a place to call to get that handled... Well the radiant heating system wasn't emptied when the former owners vacated the place, so it froze and we have damage at the valve from the boiler to the lines. So it was a no can do. That sucks.
We rescheduled the home inspection for Friday the 7th of the same week and let them know that it was impossible at this time to get the radiant heat up and running. She said that they'd go a head with out it. Our inspection was finished by Noon on Friday.
Our appraisal was finished on Saturday. We got every ones paperwork back and sent it on to the lending agent. The mold remediation company finally made it out to the house to do our quote for that this morning. We will have their quote tomorrow morning...
Yes, I said mold. We made an offer on the house, and the next day...the power was turned on and the house proceeded to be flooded. Being bank owned, nothing happened to get the house dried. So nature took its course, but its really not as bad as it could have been...we have the cold weather to thank for that!! Its been a long and crappy road with this. I am sure that in the end it will all be worth it. Just getting to the end seems painful right now! ( : Crossing our fingers that the lenders just say, what the hell!
I am not sure how long it will take with the lenders, I know that everything with or without the remediation quote is headed to the underwriters tomorrow. There is always a chance that the lenders will expect the other bank to make some sort of efforts for repair before they lend...and there is always the chance that the own
ing bank will say kiss off.... They had better not though...I am
soooo ready to get a move on!
Thursday the 6th was
Tari's appointment. We have a pasture full of mares...so watching for signs of a heat cycle is fun! Not!! Especially when the
Alfa Mare controls so much of that and how its acted out... The
Alfa Mare being
Mave of course. I figured
Tari should be entering heat around the 10th. Well I was a bit off...but not too much thank goodness!
Tari was just beginning her heat when we saw Dr. Peters. So she stayed there.
Dr. Peters had to do a counter to counter pick up of the semen rather than being able to order and schedule the insemination because of my miss calculation.
Ooops! My bad. This is the first time I've have a mare bred this way and am certainly learning as I go! ( :
Tari was allowed to come home on Monday after noon. Dr. Peters offered to take the colt at weaning time for services rendered if Mindy wanted. I told him I'd pass it on.... Mindy said if its a colt, she'd consider selling it to him, I'll share that with him the next time I see him.
Thank goodness Dr. Peters is tolerant of me and my
spasticness (God only knows what I'll nearly or totally mess up next! ). I enjoy the lessons/information that he offers freely and often. We will have a few more exchanges in the next couple of months before we get to just let the gestation progress. We will see him again on the 24th for our 14 day check. We had better see a little bean in there! ( : After the bean spotting, we will then have another appointment at the 45 day mark. There we will be looking for a heart beat! Then we will expect smooth sailing from there!
Oh, I am
soooo excited for my sister!! Of course I love the babies, but its being part of her dream to raise her own big time barrel horse that's pretty cool!!
The Land Lord has decided NOT to buy another horse trailer, rather he is going to borrow mine and the neighbors. He announced he would use mine for short hauls and Dicks for long hauls. Lucky for me, he runs around on the short distances far more than long distances.
Yippppeeeee for me, NOT! I told him OK. with me, but honestly, I am not loving it. It seems to be one of those things being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
But when I get a new house...I won't have to share anymore!!! Except with Chad!